The website for PEP Books LLC (the publishing entity for self-published author Paul Eldon Puryear )

You can read selections from my book:


"A Man Living Apart From His World" 

(7/01/2024) Howdy! Update from 5-22-22 & still working on site. Having trouble with loading stuff (pictures).        

Site been mostly dormant for all intents & purposes for a while.

I am going to be (1) adding artwork (as soon as I have it copyright protected), (2) changing some entries

& (3) adding some entries from my Magnum Opus, Part I (c). And some discussion of that work

- plus Parts II & III to follow.

What I call my “professional writing” I cannot include here. Not for public view.

Lot of art work submitted for copyright - paintings, photographic work, etc. Will add when I can.

Drove myself insane with Magnum Opus, Part I - got some good comments on it. One reviewer said major literary work quality, another thought it "cathertic."

A few other positive comments - and some consideration I was too tough on me and not enough on her.

Still read parts at times - get lost in the story, the woman I loved so much and that which I did which cost me her.

The “Magnum Opus” - intended for family & friends.

Some asked over time (primarily) 2 questions. Was difficult to finish. Hurt in some ways, felt good in others. Tried to be fair & complete. Maybe I succeeded. The “Magnum Opus” is not intended for publication I am copyrighting it so be able to use bits & pieces from it elsewhere.

  Once I get Parts II & III reviewed & copyrighted I will turn my attention fully to other projects. Might publish parts. 

I hope those who see & read my “Magnum Opus”  will think I did not waste the 7-8 years I devoted to it. I'll include an excerpt or 2 here in for your viewing. Give one a feel for what I wrote.   

The price of a hardbound copy of my book "A Man Living Apart from His World" is $10. 

My "compilaiton of Poems (in folio) is $6. 

If you want to talk about a book, poetry, artwork or whatever contact me - best way is write me at PO BOX 5902 Arlington Texas 76005-5902. 

I started work on my Great American Novel (they say every writer has one ot fhose in them) this June (2024). Let's see how I do... 

Constantly work on a myriad of projects. Tend not to get much done. Must still be lazy (& crazy) after all theses years (with apologies to Paul SIMON)...




By going to GoogleBooks where they have 20% of my book available for you online.  

The Googlebooks link is

My Book is available for your Amazon KINDLE at the website.

You can now visit Youtube to see videos about my book.

 And the second video with a reading from a chapter in my book at: